What is the Zip Code for Hebron, Connecticut?

Hebron is a town located in Tolland County, Connecticut. Learn more about Hebron's zip code and other recognized city names for the address in this 41048 zip code.

What is the Zip Code for Hebron, Connecticut?

Hebron is a town located in Tolland County, Connecticut, United States. When sending mail to this location, the first line should be the name of the recipient, followed by the mailing address with a detailed house number, and the last line should include the city, state abbreviation, and zip code. However, the name of this location (Hebron, CT) is not accepted by USPS (meaning it's an inappropriate city name). The nearby zip codes are 06232, 06447, 06231, 06237 and 06043. You can find postal codes within a radius of 25 km around zip code 06248 and the approximate distance between the two postal codes. Other recognized city names for the address in this 41048 zip code are listed in the table below, if they exist.

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Demetrius Pullar
Demetrius Pullar

Wannabe tv ninja. Wannabe entrepreneur. Proud music enthusiast. Avid food trailblazer. Amateur entrepreneur.

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