The Ancient City of Hebron: A Historical Overview

Hebron is an ancient city located in Land Of Canaan which has been center Jewish life for centuries. Learn more about its history & how it has been administered over time.

The Ancient City of Hebron: A Historical Overview

Hebron is an ancient city located in the Land of Canaan, which has been a center of Jewish life for centuries. In 1993, most of the city was transferred to the Palestinian Authority as part of the Land for Peace farce. However, the oldest part of the city remains in Israeli hands, where the Macpela Cave is located and where the ancient Jewish community lived for hundreds of years until well into the 20th century. Today, there is still a small Jewish presence in Hebron, and despite facing hostile Arab neighbors, the community is thriving and growing. The Jews who live in Hebron are there because they have a deep faith in God and believe that the Bible is true.

They continue an ancient tradition of Jewish life in this city since the time of Abraham. Even during times of exile, there has almost always been a small remnant on Earth and in this city. Because of their property title detailed in an entire chapter of Genesis, the Jews never left Hebron voluntarily. The ancient city of Hebron was fortified with huge walls, and excavations revealed traces of these walls from two different periods. According to the historian Josephus Flavius and other historians of his time (Ptolemy and Strabo of Amesia), the Hasmoneans converted the cities and towns of Idumea (an area around Hebron and Beersheba) to Judaism. In later centuries, Hebron was administered under the rule of successive Muslim dynasties who, with the exception of a period of cross-control in the 12th century, administered the city in succession from its conquest in 635 AD until the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War in the early 20th century.

During this time, Hebron remained an Arab Muslim city with a small Jewish community, mostly made up of pious seminarians. In modern times, Hebron was administered as part of the British Mandate of Palestine (1920-4); after the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948-49, it was annexed by Jordan (1950). However, only the oldest part remains in Israeli hands. The University of Hebron (197) offers courses in religion and arts and sciences, and teaching is provided in Arabic and English. Most excavation sites were covered by Arab landowners so you couldn't see ruins on hillside. Christian Friends of Israeli Communities was established in 1995, in response to Oslo Process. The Bible comes to life in a whole new way as you walk through the city of Hebron and pray in Macpelah Cave.

The stones used to build walls were gigantic, which earned it name “Cyclopean wall” (wall of giants). In addition, Old City has been considered one of best-preserved medieval cities in world with number surviving structures from Mamlūk and Ottoman periods. As he had done with Hebron, so he did with Debir and his king, as he had done with Libnah and his king. In middle are ruins medieval building known as Der el-Arba`in, monastery forty (martyrs) about which Hebonites tell interesting folkloric story.

Demetrius Pullar
Demetrius Pullar

Wannabe tv ninja. Wannabe entrepreneur. Proud music enthusiast. Avid food trailblazer. Amateur entrepreneur.

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